Water Penetration & Water Retention
An eco-friendly way to improve water penetration and water retention in hydrophobic and sandy soils...
Code: 55680
HydraSoil is a specially formulated soil surfacant designed to improve water peneration in non-wetting or difficult to wet soils without excessive leaching or plant root burn. HydraSoil is used by horticulturalists and golf course managers to improve irrigation efficiency by reducing water run-off and excessive surface evaporation. HydraSoil is also used to establish broadacre crops and pastures in marginal sandy soils.
​20L tub
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Code: 55683 (20L) / 55682 (200L)
Hydretain is a unique blend of soil surfactants and humectants designed to improve soil wetting and moisture retention. Hydretain is most effective when used in very porous or sandy soils where moisture loss is a constant battle. Hydretain is most suited to the establishment of horticultural crops from seedlings and potted plants and use on turf and lawns where irrigation use is limited. It has been shown that mycorrhizal fungi activity is enhanced in the presence of a particular components in Hydretain which also assists with moisture and phosphorus access a to plants.
​20L, 200L tub
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